an industrial safety & marine products distribution company
an industrial safety & marine products distribution company
All Daniamant Lifejacket lights are designed to deliver, as a minimum standard, the 0.75cd output specification and 8 hour duration required by IMO SOLAS regulations.
The DAN W2 is the automatic version of the DAN M2. The light activates automatically when in water. The light has the same attachment arrangement as DAN M2.
This new, low profile light is a single compact flashing unit. The light is emitted through an ultra low profile dome, making the light less susceptible to damage during evacuation. Easily fitted with two different backing plates, one to go over a thin strap and one to go over a 5cm belt. This is the automatic version of Dan M3. The light activates automatically when in water and can be turned off manually if required.
Industries Safety Nigeria is one of their representative here in Nigeria and we sell at wholesale and retail sale varieties of the product. Amount in stock is not an issue for we can supply up to 500 unit of the light at competitive cost. Rely on us when it come to timely delivery with no cost.
Genuine industrial Product.
This product is genuine without any form of adulteration its tested and trusted, i recommend it for all industrial usage, No cause for alarm you are Always Secured with Industrial Safety Nigeria product and services.