an industrial safety & marine products distribution company
an industrial safety & marine products distribution company
The SOLAS Lifejacket (L.S.A Code) is primarily suitable for the commercial market. Available in child and adult sizes, with or without light.
SOLAS life jackets' general characteristics: The color of SOLAS life jackets is always orange. SOLAS life jackets' general characteristics: The color of SOLAS life jackets is always orange, and has been standardized since orange is visible under all weather conditions. Furthermore, all jackets should have retro-reflective tapes, which are visible from an even longer distance. Primarily aimed at the commercial market these cost-efficient life jackets have been accredited with CE approval certificates by Bureau Veritas. Available in child and adult sizes, with or without light.
SOLAS life jackets' general characteristics: The colour of SOLAS life jackets is always orange, and has been standardised, since orange is visible under all weather conditions. Furthermore, all jackets should have retro-reflective tapes, which are visible from an even longer distance.
Primarily aimed at the commercial market these cost efficient life jackets have been accredited with CE approval certificates by Bureau Veritas.
Available in child and adult sizes, with or without light.
quality of product and service
quality product and its service is efficient