an industrial safety & marine products distribution company
an industrial safety & marine products distribution company

Use air cylinder speed controls to have full power over the speed of an air cylinder or a pneumatic rotary actuator. Flow controls can control the speed of actuators on either the extend stroke, the retract stroke, or in both directions. Because of the compressible nature of air, exact speeds are not obtainable but you can get sufficient control with these instruments. Looking for the best suppliers of air cylinder speed controls online in Nigeria? Safety Nigeria sales at a cheaper price.
We can deliver the best pneumatics at the best possible price. We deliver in any location. All you need do is to place an order now. Buy pneumatics online from industries Safety Nigeria
Contact us for your supply or Order now by phone via our order hotlines 070033338888 or 08064338888, 09093333374 or you can send us an email to Or Shop Online.
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