an industrial safety & marine products distribution company
an industrial safety & marine products distribution company
These 23 x 23 inches (10 gals ./13 mil.) biohazard bags are great for easy disposal of infectious waste. Bright red, yellow and blue colour and biohazard symbols indicate to waste disposal companies the potential hazard and need for additional care in handling. Waste disposal bags for hazardous waste material include refuse bags, drug transport and pharmacy bags, linen and diaper bags, specimen bags, and emesis or vomit bags, among others. Biohazard disposal bags are to be used specifically for infectious waste. Most biohazard bags are used as a liner for a specified bin, tied or sealed when full, then disposed of in a manner meeting applicable guidelines.
These 23 x 23 inches (10 gals ./13 mil.) biohazard bags are great for easy disposal of infectious waste. Bright red, yellow and blue colour and biohazard symbols indicate to waste disposal companies the potential hazard and need for additional care in handling.
Biohazard Bags make disposal of infectious waste easier with the generous sizes available. Biohazard Bags are ideal for hospitals, physician offices and long term care facilities.
Waste disposal bags for hazardous waste material include refuse bags, drug transport and pharmacy bags, linen and diaper bags, specimen bags, and emesis or vomit bags, among others. Biohazard disposal bags are to be used specifically for infectious waste. Most biohazard bags are used as a liner for a specified bin, tied or sealed when full, then disposed of in a manner meeting applicable guidelines.
Biohazard waste bags are typically red, made of high-density material, and display the international biohazard symbol for identification. These red biohazard bags are used by health and lab professionals to control the spread of disease from human waste, discarded medical supplies, and biological contaminants. By contrast, linen bags are often blue, while radioactive waste disposal bags used for chemotherapy and other applications are typically yellow in colour and preprinted with the radioactive materials legend and symbol.
Biohazard bag holders stand, receptacles and other accessories are also available for purchase. When selecting waste disposal bags or related products, it is important to choose items most appropriate for your purposes, considering size, thickness, seal, and autoclave capabilities. It is critical to comply with state regulations for the disposal of a biohazard bag.
Genuine industrial Product.
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