an industrial safety & marine products distribution company
an industrial safety & marine products distribution company

Protective sleeves reduce the risk of cuts, chemical splash, dirt, and light abrasion. Sleeves start at the wrist and move up the arm and are often worn to extend glove coverage. They are worn by metalworkers, lab technicians, warehouse workers, food processing workers, and workers encountering high heat. Aluminized sleeves have a coating that reflects heat away from workers when working in foundries and near high-heat furnaces or molten metal. Electrical-insulating sleeves are worn with compatible electrical-insulating gloves to protect workers from arc-flash and burns when workers are near electrical hazards. Buy your protective sleeves in Nigeria from a major supplier of safety products.
Cut-resistant sleeves protect workers' arms from cuts, abrasions, and lacerations. They are often worn with cut-resistant gloves to extend protection from the wrist up the arm toward the elbow or shoulder. They are tested to meet ANSI/ISEA cut-level specifications and are worn by workers who encounter cut hazards, such as automotive and assembly-line workers, maintenance professionals, recycling and sanitation workers, and metal workers.
Welding sleeves and capes are worn on the arms or upper torso to protect the arms from sparks and flames encountered during welding. They are made of leather, treated fabrics, or other heat- and spark-resistant materials. Welding sleeves are worn with welding gloves and other protective clothing as needed. They are pulled on over the hand and wrist and extend up the arm toward the shoulder. Cape sleeves are put on like a shirt and cover the arms, upper chest, and upper back to protect workers who are welding overhead or at chest height.
General purpose protective sleeves are worn from the wrist up the arm to protect workers from minor abrasion, dirt, grime, and dry, nonhazardous materials. They're reusable and are often worn with gloves to extend protection to the arms. An elastic band creates a seal between the glove and the sleeve to protect the worker's wrist. These sleeves are worn when performing a variety of tasks, including packaging, assembly, painting, and general warehouse work.
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