an industrial safety & marine products distribution company
an industrial safety & marine products distribution company

General hand tool kits from Industries Safety Nigeria cover a wide cross-section of handy toolkits for apprentices, journeymen, and masters alike. Whether you’re a mechanic, an electrician, a telecom or electronics technician, a data communications installer, a carpenter, or working in another industry or trade, you’re bound to find a tool kit you can use right here. Choose from basic tool kits containing often used screwdrivers, wrenches, and pliers; communications maintenance kits with tools and testing instruments and an aluminum carrying case; electrician tool kits that include an array of pliers, screwdrivers, wire strippers, crimpers, and fish tape; and many more selections. General hand tool kits from Safety Nigeria meet a broad range of MRO needs. Looking for the best suppliers of Hand Tools Kits online in Nigeria at a cheaper price
Contact us for your supply or Order now by phone via our order hotlines 070033338888 or 08064338888, 09093333374 or you can send us an email to or shop online
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