an industrial safety & marine products distribution company
an industrial safety & marine products distribution company

Square and angle finders determine angles, pitches, and slopes in carpentry, plumbing, electrical, and HVAC work. A combination square helps make sure projects are straight and square, and that angles are properly set at 45° or 90°. A highly accurate digital plan measure or construction calculator helps improve productivity with quick, accurate takeoffs from scaled or unscaled blueprints, plans, and drawings. Precision squares, bevels, and stair gauges ensure 90° corners, straight and even stairs, and precise angles. A contour gauge aids in replicating inside and outside angles and shapes and is ideal for tiling, woodworking, flooring, and carpeting applications. Digital angle finders determine miter and bevel angles with accuracy and are suitable for use in carpentry, welding, construction, and many other applications. Square and angle finders suppliers online in Nigeria at a cheaper price.
Explore our measuring equipment catalog and place your orders now. You can place your orders over the phone via, order hot-lines 070033338888, 08064338888, 09093333374 or send us an email to or Shop Online.
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