an industrial safety & marine products distribution company
an industrial safety & marine products distribution company
ENVIROCLEAN is a bright yellow liquid combining a heavy duty detergent system with a powerful disinfectant and natural citrus solvents. It cleans and sanitizes all surfaces and is safe on all metals including aluminium. It removes a wide range of soils including fats, greases, carbon and other industrial soils, safely and quickly.
ENVIRO CLEAN is a revolutionary new formula that is a natural, safe, biodegradable multipurpose cleaning product that combines the high cleaning performance of acids with the gentleness of liquid dish soap. ENVIRO CLEAN is a powerful yet completely safe all- purpose cleaner for removal of hard water scale, lime, soap, scuff marks, rust stains, grease, mildew and mold. Also, this unique acid replacement cleaner provides an unprecedented level of safety in the workplace for both the operators and surfaces – without compromising performance. Note: When using on chrome, test in an inconspicuous area, since not all chromes are the same grade. Also, when using on chrome and stainless steel, ENVIRO CLEAN must be rinsed immediately and thoroughly after surface is cleaned.
No caustics, acids or fumes
Clinging action for longer dwell time
Cleans with the power of acid
Available in concentrate or ready to use formulas
Specific References
Genuine industrial Product.
This product is genuine without any form of adulteration its tested and trusted, i recommend it for all industrial usage, No cause for alarm you are Always Secured with Industrial Safety Nigeria product and services.