an industrial safety & marine products distribution company
an industrial safety & marine products distribution company
REMA Tip Top SC 4000 Black Cement - The Bonding System without chlorinated hydrocarbons (CFC) is the CFC free alternative to our well known and proven SC 2000 Cement with no compromise to bonding strength or performance. SC 4000 Cement is a room temperature curing liquid rubber adhesive that, when catalyzed with the appropriate amount of E-40 Hardener, yields high strength adhesions without the aid of heat, pressure or special equipment. By using SC 4000 Cement with the E-40 Hardener, natural rubber, neoprene rubber, SBR rubber and others can be bonded to each other, to fabric and to steel and are ideal for use in wear and corrosion protection as well as in conveyor belt repair.
Description | U.S. Part Number | Product Number | Size |
SC 4000 White | 101 000 101 | SC4000W-PINT | 0.33 kg. |
SC 4000 White | 101 000 102 | SC4000W-QT | 660 grams |
SC 4000 White | 101 000 103 | SC4000W-GAL | 3.3 kg. |
SC 4000 White | 101 000 104 | SC4000W-DRUM | 190 kg. |
REMA TIP TOP SC 4000 Cement is the CFC free alternative to our well known and proven SC 2000 Cement with no compromise to bonding strength or performance.
SC 4000 Cement is a room temperature curing liquid rubber adhesive that, when catalyzed with the appropriate amount of E-40 Hardener, yields high strength adhesions without the aid of heat, pressure or special equipment. By using SC 4000 Cement with the E-40 Hardener, natural rubber, neoprene rubber, SBR rubber and others can be bonded to each other, to fabric and to steel and are ideal for use in wear and corrosion protection as well as in conveyor belt repair.
SC 4000 Cement ideal for use in lining installations, when bonding rubber to rubber, rubber to fabric, rubber to steel, rubber to concrete, fibreglass, and urethane, as well as the splicing and repair of fabric conveyor belting. Repair to existing rubber lined vessels and rubber components are also recommended using this system.
SC 4000 Cement is especially effective when used with REMA TIP TOP’s CN Bonding Layer (a semi-cured layer of neoprene used in a wide range of REMA TIP TOP cold bond linings, lagging, and conveyor belt repair materials), completing the curing process and creating an inseparable, durable bond.
When the job calls for bonding rubber to metal, rubber to rubber or rubber to fabric, REMA TIP TOP’s SC 4000 Cement is the right choice, providing the highest bond strength available today.
REMA TIP TOP’s SC 4000 White Cement is a Food Grade Cold Vulcanizing Adhesive, and FDA-compliant for repairing conveyor belts in splice repair applications, adhering pulley lagging, adhering and repairing sidewalls and cleats.
21 CFR 175.105. Based on TOR Exemptions 303, 306, 307
Description | U.S. Part Number | Product Number | Size |
SC 4000 White | 101 000 101 | SC4000W-PINT | 0.33 kg. |
SC 4000 White | 101 000 102 | SC4000W-QT | 660 grams |
SC 4000 White | 101 000 103 | SC4000W-GAL | 3.3 kg. |
SC 4000 White | 101 000 104 | SC4000W-DRUM | 190 kg. |
E-40 HARDENER (Flammable)
Description | U.S. Part Number | Product Number | Size |
E-40 Hardener | E40/15G | 525 1139 | 15 g |
E-40 Hardener | E40/30G | 525 1146 | 30 g |
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